Nothing more practical than a good theory (1991)

Question: "It has been said that there is nothing more practical than a good theory. What does this mean?"

Human beings order their lives based on their frame of reference. Frame of reference, or world-view, is acculturated theory. The theories we accept

govern our lives and define our realities. There is nothing more practical than a well-defined reality to help put chaos to order. Each, counselor, teacher, healer or other helping professional must develop their own personal style and theory about helping because each has had different life experiences and has different ways of viewing people and the world. Each of us must develop and live our own unique ways of being in the world in order to fully experience our potentials. In the words of Braimmet (1979):

We may find others' assumptions similar to our own, but each helper must take responsibility for revamping them into his or her unique ideas and beliefs. Freud was not a Freudian, and Rogers was not a Rogerian; each was himself, and each built on the wisdom of the past. Admiring disciplines of these men often gave their own explanations of the helping process a Freudian or Rogerian label (p. 151).

I think this needs no clarification.


Brainmet, L.M. (I979). The helping relationship process and skills (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.


Thomas S. Rue, MA, NCC
December 10, 1991

Psychological and Quantitative Foundations 7P:109
The University of Iowa - College of Education
Socialization of the School Age Child - Assignment #1
© 1991, Thomas S. Rue

Thomas Rue 1991-1993.
All rights reserved.